Birdi for Consulting

Modern geospatial software for your clients

Support your clients with location-based insights, improved business workflows and enhanced decision-making.
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Helping consulting firms solve geospatial use cases for their clients

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Perform spatial analysis for environmental impact assessments
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Map and monitor ecological habitats and biodiversity
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Conduct aerial surveys for mapping and monitoring changes in landscapes
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Inspect environmental assets like water bodies and protected areas
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Monitor and assess the condition of ecosystems
Birdi for environmental consulting
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Plan land-use and conduct zoning analysis
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Optimize transportation networks
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Use aerial mapping for urban design and development
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Create 3D city models for visualization and analysis
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Inspect infrastructure for maintenance and improvement planning
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Inspect infrastructure for maintenance and improvement planning
Birdi for urban planning and development
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Analyze spatial data for civil engineering projects
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Conduct aerial surveys for terrain analysis and site selection
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Inspect critical infrastructure for maintenance planning
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Monitor construction sites for compliance and safety
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Manage utility networks and plan infrastructure
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Defect detection and quality control by identifying issues, errors, or inconsistencies during construction
Birdi for engineering consulting
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Map and monitor changes in landscapes for resource planning
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Inspect resource extraction sites for compliance with environmental regulations
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Create accurate 3D terrain models for mining and forestry
Birdi for natural resource consulting
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Optimize site selection for renewable energy projects
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Conduct aerial surveys for detailed terrain analysis
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Create accurate 3D models for visualizing energy infrastructure
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Inspect and monitor the condition of energy infrastructure
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Use aerial inspections for maintenance planning and safety assessments
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Defect detection and quality control by identifying issues, errors, or inconsistencies during construction
Birdi for energy consulting

ATC Williams improves client's dam wall monitoring with Birdi

Find out how ATC Williams improved their mining client's dam wall monitoring accuracy, safety and efficiency.
Read Customer Story
ATC Williams uses Birdi to improve their mining client's tailings dam monitoring

Manage your clients’ geospatial data from their own branded workspace

Instead of sending through emails, online folders or storing on USB, keep all your clients’ geospatial data, processed 2D and 3D maps, reports and insights in their one Birdi workspace, branded to look and feel like theirs.

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Manage your client's workspace with Birdi
Data management and integration with Birdi
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Efficient data management and integration

Birdi enables the efficient management of both ground and aerial datasets, such as images and video captured by drone, satellite, 360 degree camera and smartphone. This integration enhances clients’ overall understanding of the geographical context of their locations and supports comprehensive analyses.

Help your clients make better decisions

Support your clients to make informed decisions based on geospatial patterns, relationships, and trends. Whether it's site selection, risk assessment, or resource optimization, geospatial data analysis can improve decision-making.

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Help your clients make better decisions with Birdi
Share data and trigger workflows with Birdi
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Share data and trigger workflows

Birdi’s modern interface makes data sharing, management and workflows easy for anyone to use and follow.

Identify opportunities for cost savings and resource optimization

Whether it's optimizing supply chain routes, identifying efficient locations for facilities, or predicting maintenance needs for infrastructure, help your clients save money by streamlining operations and improving resource allocation.

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Resource optimization with Birdi

All the geospatial features you need

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Visualize any data set
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Volumetric reports
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2D and 3D map processing
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RTK processing
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Annotation tools
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Asset assessment
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3D model viewer
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Prism monitoring
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Collaboration tools
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Topography reports
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Difference grids
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Progress reporting