Birdi for Mining & Resources

Improve mining operations with geospatial data

Ensure safety and compliance, generate accurate stockpile audits, and make data-based decisions.
Book a Demo

Helping mining companies manage their extraction and processing operations

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Identify potential mineral deposits through terrain analysis
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Mine planning and design
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Inspect and monitor mining operations to ensure compliance with safety regulations
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Manage stockpile and inventory through volumetric reporting
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Monitor tailings dams for stability, safety, and environmental integrity
Birdi for mining exploration and operations
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Select sites and plan routes for pipelines
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Conduct aerial inspections of oilfield infrastructure for maintenance and safety assessments
Birdi for oil and gas industry
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Plan quarries, manage extraction zones and optimize transportation routes
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Monitor quarry conditions and ensure compliance
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Assess stockpile volumes and inventory
Birdi for quarrying
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Conduct volumetric analysis of stockpiles for accurate inventory management
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Monitor tailings dams for stability, safety, and environmental integrity
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Inspect haul roads and equipment
Birdi for mineral processing

Boral conducts volumetric reporting with Birdi

Find out how Boral has improved the flexibility and accuracy of its volumetric reporting.
Read Customer Story
volumetric reports
sites visualized in Birdi every 6 months
Boral case study image

All your geospatial data in the one place

Keep all your geospatial data, volumetric reports, stockpile annotations, 2D and 3D site maps and more in the one Birdi workspace. No more searching through emails, USBs and folders.

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All your geospatial data in the one place with Birdi
De-risk your volumetric assessments with Birdi
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De-risk your volumetric reporting audits with sign off from qualified surveyors

Generate volumetric reports to accurately measure stockpile inventory, and we’ll get it signed off by a qualified surveyor.

Quickly access historical site data for compliance

With all your geospatial data, reports, annotations and orthophotos within your Birdi workspace, easily locate the historical site data your reports are based on.

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Access historical data for compliance with Birdi
Ensure safety and environmental integrity with Birdi
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Ensure safety and environmental integrity

Be proactive in safety and environmental monitoring. Upload, process and visualize your data in Birdi for real-time insights into site conditions.

All the geospatial features you need

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Visualize any data set
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Volumetric reports
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2D and 3D map processing
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RTK processing
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Annotation tools
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Asset assessment
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3D model viewer
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Prism monitoring
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Collaboration tools
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Topography reports
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Difference grids
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Progress reporting